For safety, I upgraded my hacking so that I could take the drones and turrets offline too - which completely removed the stress from the next portion.ĭeciding to take a look in every chamber - exactly as Prtichard had feared I would do - I switched off electric floors, closed gas valves, and cloaked past laser grids to have a nose around at everything. The ramps led down to two security terminals that I hacked to disable all of the cameras and open all of the doors. While cloaked and ducking behind everything that I could find, thankfully including some hot radiator panels to disguise my heat signature, I made my way through. Much to my annoyance, the heat sensors were literally through the very first door off of the funicular… Pritchard told me to just put the Pass-Port into the chamber and he could do his job. Pritchard whined at me for not taking the funicular up to the servers yet, so I headed out and cloaked as I walked over to it and hit the button to go up. It also told me where to find Santeau Group’s data, in Chamber 204. Hidden among general emails was another one talking about how Palisade Bank was going to sell shell companies it owned to other shell organisations it also owned. The first was about a security guard for Blade 4 that had apparently purposefully walked into a secure area and let the automated defences kill him - and this wasn’t a one-off event. The computer on the other desk, however, had some interesting emails.
I hacked into Ashani Talwar’s security computer, but didn’t have the turret upgrade for my hacking, so couldn’t disable that. The camera watching the entrance of the executive suite wasn’t very good, as it had a wide sweeping arc and didn’t look down at the door keypad, so I unlocked the door and went inside. There were three guards at the stairs to level five, but I managed to get past without incident, and avoided another guard on the stairs. Exiting through the office door, I cloaked and went upstairs to level four, almost getting spotted when I decloaked to recharge. The Saridakis case was something I’d chosen to look into, after all, not what he wanted. I called Pritchard and told him about the email, and he complained that wasn’t why I was here. One email said that the defences in the chamber where Simona Saridakis had been killed were overridden despite her presence.
As luck would have it, this was the office of the head of engineering, where ShadowChild wanted the figuring placed, so I did that and called to let her know, then used the password TRUSTNO1 to access the computer on the desk. To my utter shock, the place didn’t go into lockdown, no alarms went off, and I’m not convinced that anyone actually heard it. Having been embroiled in a scheme to hack a bank - again - I had made my way up the atrium and tossed a grenade to get through a grate… This time I finished Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - System Rift. Whether you’re a newcomer or an old-goer, I hope to make this something you can read along with and enjoy. This is my ongoing exploration of the Deus Ex Universe, in release order. Articles // 20th May 2023 - 9 days ago // By Andrew Duncan Deus Ex Diaries Part Seventy-Nine (Jensen’s Stories)